The Thermopolis Rural Training Track from the University of Wyoming is here to set a standard of excellence as Wyoming’s first rural training track graduate medical education program. The University of Wyoming Rural Training Track at Thermopolis will provide a high quality, comprehensive educational experience providing residents with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice Frontier Medicine.
Thermopolis, Wyoming, Resident In Training, Resident, Doctor, Medical School, Rural Doctor, Rural Residency Program, Rural Resident, University of Wyoming, Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital, chemotherapy, transfusions, wound care, pain management, cardiac stress tests and many outpatient surgeries. We have two Nurse Anesthetists who provide outstanding care including OB epidurals, airway management, conscious sedation, and difficult vascular access.Train Family Physicians, family medicine, rural physicians, Frontier Medicine
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Thermopolis Rural Training Track
We strive to be the Best and most sought after Rural Training Track in the United States and aim to
Set a standard of excellence as Wyoming’s rural training track graduate medical education program
Train Family Medicine Physicians to meet the needs of Wyoming’s rural communities and beyond
Provide exceptional full spectrum care to Thermopolis and surrounding communities
Support and grow rural training for Wyoming’s Family Medicine Residents, medical students, and other healthcare students
Graduates of the University of Wyoming Thermopolis Rural Training Track in Thermopolis will become highly skilled rural physicians and leaders, who are involved in their community
The University of Wyoming Thermopolis Rural Training Track in Thermopolis will provide a high quality, comprehensive educational experience providing residents with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice Frontier Medicine